Monday, July 31, 2006

6 everyday skills to help you lose weight

1. RESEARCH - When you are looking for a new doctor, you gather information to help you find the best option. Use these research skills to learn more about healthy eating.
2.PREPARATION - When you have a deadline at work you plan ahead, so employ these organisational abilities to make sure you always have healthy food in the house and to juggle activites so you still have time to exercise.
3. DEALING WITH CHANGE - you've probably already coped with lots of different changes in your life, such as leaving home, getting married, having a baby. Even positive changes like these can feel scary and challenging, but what keeps us going is being committed to making these changes work. It is the same when it comes to losing weight. There might be times when you feel disheartened or veer off track, but if you're willing to make the necessary adjustments you'll pull through.
4. DELIGATION - at work you might have to train staff and this requires tact, patience and the ability to stand firm. Use this approach to delegate housework or shopping tasks to your children or partner so that you have more free time to exercise.
5. EMOTIONAL UNDERSTANDING AND STRENGTH - If your partner or friend is going through a difficult patch you do your best to give them advice and support they need. But it is also important to make time to understand yourself. Often we overeat because we're not in touch with our emotional needs. To identify problem times, keep a food and mood diary so you can identify situations that prompt you to overindulge and then learn which steps to take to avoid them.
6. MOTIVATION - sometimes it can even be difficult to find time for the things you want to do. For example if you are planning a holiday the chore of booking flights, organising passports and visas, vaccinations, and packing can be an effort. But you keep yourself motivated by thinking how great you'll feel when you get there. Use this tactic when it comes to losing weight. If you dread exercise, remind yourself how great you'll feel to be slim and healthy. And give yourself a pat on the back.
© Bev Clement -

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